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  • Currently — September 19, 2023: Antarctic sea ice continues its weird year

Currently — September 19, 2023: Antarctic sea ice continues its weird year

The protective sea ice may have already begun its annual melt as spring arrives in the Southern Hemisphere

The weather, currently.

Antarctic sea ice continues to grow at a pace far below any previous year on record. As we approach springtime in the Southern Hemisphere and with a Pacific El Niño strengthening, there are worries that melt season may have already begun weeks early.

The BBC interviewed Antarctic research scientists, and their words are worth reflecting on.

"It's so far outside anything we've seen, it's almost mind-blowing," Walter Meier, who monitors sea-ice with the National Snow and Ice Data Center, told the BBC.

Since it is already floating, melting sea ice does not on its own raise sea levels. But sea ice forms a buffer encircling Antarctica from warming waters, and the loss of that sea ice would accelerate the loss of land ice in the Antarctic ice sheets, which would raise sea levels — perhaps dangerously so.

This is one further sign that we are in the emergency phase of the climate crisis, and that world leaders need to do uncomfortable things to restore a climate balance and pave the way for a just future for everyone.

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